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:::ÇöÀçÀ§Ä¡ HOME ¢º Æ¯ÆǼҰ³ ¢º Digital Multimeter Fluke 287
Digital Multimeter Fluke 287
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  Digital multimeter
Fluke 287
- True-rms Electronics Logging Multimeter
- Develop, install, or maintain electronic devices
- Precision testing of surface mount and high density circuits
- Customers who need to log and record results to solve intermittent problems
- Communication; wireless, wired, LAN, broadband, CATV, audio/video
True-rms Electronics Logging Multimeter with TrendCapture
Fluke 287
Voltage DC
Accuracy 0.025 %
Range and Resolution 50.000 mV,500.00 mV, 5.0000 V, 50.000 V, 500.00 V, 1000.0V
Voltage AC
Accuracy 0.4 %(true-rms)
Range and Resolution 50.000 mV,500.00 mV, 5.0000 V, 50.000 V, 500.00 V, 1000.0V
Current DC
Accuracy 0.06 %
Range and Resolution 500.00 µA, 5000.0 µA, 50.000 mA, 400.00 mA, 5.0000 A, 10.000 A
Current AC
Accuracy 0.6%(true-rms)
Range and Resolution 500.00 µA, 5000.0 µA, 50.000 mA, 400.00 mA, 5.0000 A, 10.000 A
Temperature (excluding probe)
Accuracy 1.0 %
Range and Resolution -200.0 ¡ÆC to 1350.0 ¡ÆC (-328.0 ¡ÆF to 2462.0 ¡ÆF)
Accuracy 0.05 %
Range and Resolution 500.00 §Ù, 5.0000 k§Ù, 50.000 k§Ù, 500.00 k§Ù, 5.0000 M§Ù, 50.00 M§Ù, 500.0 M§Ù
Accuracy 1.0 %
Range and Resolution 1.000 nF,10.00 nF 100.0 nF, 1.000 µF, 10.00 µF, 100.0 µF, 1000 µF, 10.00 mF, 100.00 mF
Accuracy 0.005% + 5
Range and Resolution 99.999 Hz, 999.99 Hz, 9.9999 kHz, 99.999 kHz, 999.99 kHz
Additional functions/features
Multiple on-screen displays Yes
True-rms AC bandwidth 100 kHz
DBV/dBm Yes
Conductance 50.00nS
Continuity beeper Yes
Battery/Fuse access Battery / Fuse
Peak 250 ¥ìS
Elapse time clock Yes
Time of day clock Yes
Min-Max-Avg Yes
Duty Cycle 0.01 % to 99.99 %
Pulse Width 0.025 ms, 0.25 ms, 2.5 ms, 1250.0 ms
Hold Yes
Isolated Optical Interface Yes
Auto/Touch Hold Yes
Reading memory Yes
Log to PC Yes
Interval/Event Logging Yes
Logging Memory Up to 10,000 readings
ÁÖ¼Ò : ¼­¿ïƯº°½Ã Á¾·Î±¸ Á¾·Î26±æ 28(¿øâºôµù 158È£)
ÀüÈ­¹øÈ£ : 02-2268-7345  Æѽº : 02-2263-7345
USA Office :  3268 W 6th St Los Angeles CA90020 UNITED STATES
YoungSir Trade Telecom co.
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